2nd Sunday of Easter – April 7th, 2024
I hope all of you are still feeling the great joy of Easter. After the wonderful and powerful liturgies of the Holy Triduum, it was nice to
have some family time and I ended up stopping at a friends on my way home from family. As happens so often, I move from one busyness
to another. I may not have penance services to run out to, however we still have Confirmation and 1st Communion coming up. These can
be some wonderful times to celebrate with those who are making these sacramental steps in their lives.
I clearly remember making my own 1st Communion. I am not sure why, but my brother (who is a year older) and I made our 1st Com-
munion together. I know I sometimes kid him about being held back a year. One of the things I remember most is my poor mother try-
ing to work with us ahead of time. She would have Joe and I practice walking down the aisle. We would be waving to imaginary people
and saying, “Thanks for coming.” When that day came, I was so nervous as I walked forward for my 1st Communion, I was walking per-
fectly with hands folded. I am sure my mother was so relieved. When I was confirmed, the practice of the time was that the Bishop or
auxiliary Bishop would come out to the parish for confirmation. When I was confirmed, Archbishop Roach came himself to do the con-
I remember a few years ago I was invited to a special Mass at the parish I grew up in. I believe they were celebrating 150 years?? As I
stood in the back with Archbishop Hebda, I pointed to the front of the main aisle saying, “That is where I received my first Eucharist!
That is where I was Confirmed!” It was an honor to be able to celebrate my parents’ funerals at that same Church. These events and lo-
cations are very special to me as I hope they will be to our young people approaching the sacraments. Please keep them in your prayers.
I would like to one more time just thank everyone who helped plan and put on all the large liturgies of Holy Week. I have heard many
wonderful things from people, and I hope people know it is not just me. There are so many people who put in extra time behind the
scenes getting everything ready and helping to make things run smoothly. Many of these people do not want to be named and I am al-
ways afraid if I try, I will miss someone and hurt their feelings. I do pray that they all know how grateful I am for all their help.
As we move into this wonderful Easter Season, I pray you will hang onto that great Easter Joy. We start hearing these wonderful resur-
rection stories in the Gospels. This weekend’s is one of my favorites with the doubting Thomas. I think my homily this weekend is al-
most the same every year. But maybe you forget it over the year. We start to see more, and experience more of the resurrected Lord. At
a daily Mass last week, we heard Mary Magdalene at the tomb. She sees Jesus and does not know who he is, until He says her name.
Mary goes to see the disciples with the message. “I have seen the Lord!” What a great message to share with others. I hope all of us have
seen the Lord in these last few weeks and can share with others that we too have seen the Lord.
May we all continue to look for the Lord in our world. It is getting harder and harder to see Him with all that has been happening in the
world. Keep looking. Keep looking for Christ.
Fr Backer