4th Sunday of Advent – December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas to you all!!! Many in our society have pushed for “Happy Holidays” rather than Merry Christmas, to be more inclusive
to other faiths, some of which have their own celebrations at this time of year. I still say Merry Christmas! It is just that for me ‘Christ’
is the important part. “Jesus is the reason for the season.” I would like to thank all of you who will be at the Christmas Masses this year
and all our visitors. It is important to keep Christ in Christmas. It is also important to remember the best gift we received will not be
found under the tree, but in the manger. That little child born and laid in the manger is the same person who went to the cross for us.
With all the joy and excitement of Christmas parties and gifts, do not forget about Jesus. One of my favorite things to do is to spend a
little time on Christmas looking at a Nativity scene. I have preached in years past about the Mary of my set, how her arms are out in
front of her, and it is possible for her to hold the Christ Child. When she does, it is as if she is offering to you, “Would you like to hold
the Christ Child?” Think of the last time you held a newborn baby. How small they seemed. Those little fingers and toes. Now think
of the immensity of God, and that God emptied himself out and took on the form of a little child just like the child you held. Mary and
Joseph were entrusted to care for the Christ child.
We too have been entrusted with the role of holding that child, Jesus, in our hearts. Not just at Christmas, but every day of the year. I
think that is what the ghost of Christmas present said. If you are like me, one of your traditions is to watch those movies. I am hoping
with the weekend Masses and Christmas Masses so close this year, I hope I get to watch my favorites: “A Christmas Carol” from 1951,
with Alastair Sim’s as Scrooge. This must be in black and white. This may have been the first Christmas Carol movie I saw; it will forev-
er remain my favorite. My second favorite of this story was done by the Muppets. The Muppets Christmas Carol brings a little humor
into the story, as Muppets will do. High on my list and maybe yours too is “It’s a Wonderful Life” from 1946 with Jimmy Stewart. This
too must be in black and white for me to fully enjoy. I named my pet rabbit “Clarence” after Clarence Odbody the believed ‘Angel 2nd
Class’. I remind myself often that “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives, and when he isn’t around, he leaves an
awful hole, doesn’t he?” We sometimes forget how much good we have done, or think we are nothing. I so wish sometimes that each of
us could know how much we have impacted others’ lives, but I guess we will need to wait until we are called home to the Lord to fully
know that. And “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.”
What is your favorite movie to watch at Christmas? There are so many. I am willing to bet many of you know where this comes from,
“Randy lays there like a slug. It was his only defense.” Some movies make you laugh, some make you cry, some make you think, and
some warm your heart.
May All of you have a Blessed and Merry Christmas this year and may we all be Blessed in this coming year with Peace and Love in our
world. “God Bless us everyone!” You said it Tiny Tim, may God Bless us everyone.
Fr. Backer